
“Graceland” star Aaron Tveit hits the studio for a stylish series where he graciously demonstrates an aptitude for great emotive expressions. Not only opening up about his new USA show, Tveit sports several of the season’s sleek ensembles.
Photos by Saria Atiye
Fashion Direction by Carl Barnett Styling by James Jean

写真:Saria Atiye
ファッションディレクション:カール・バーネット スタイリング:ジェームス・ジーン

Tveit’s star is quickly rising with roles in the big screen adaptation of Les Misérables and now television show Graceland, but to the Broadway community, he has long been a star. Tveit explains, “I was studying acting in college, and then got an offer to work in the national tour of the musical RENT. With my parents blessing, I started working and left school in my second year.” Tveit wears sweater Prada. Opposite Page Tveit wears shirt and tie Viktor & Rolf.

着用アイテム セーター:プラダ。反対側のページ シャツとネクタイ:Viktor & Rolf

“Mike is such a winning guy, he goes about things from a place of hard work and drive. He has a very defined moral code that serves him well as a law enforcement officer. But he has also had to overcome a lot in his life. As actors we look for a way to relate to the characters we are playing. I know what it’s like to pour myself into something and have to overcome challenges. I think that’s something we can all relate to.”
Tveit wears suede bomber Coach, turtleneck and sweater


Having appeared on both Broadway and the big screen, Tveit has a lot of experience to draw from Comparing both mediums, Treit feels that “They both require tremendous amounts of work and preparation. On stage you are out there every night, and you only have one shot at the story you are telling that night. The physical and mental stamina involved to do 8 shows a week for 12 months is tremendous. On set, you have a different set of challenges. You need to be able to drop right into a scene after possibly standing around for an hour as they set up a shot. And so you don’t have the same momentum you create on stage. So its also very demanding mentally to be able to stay focused and engaged.” Tveit wears all clothes Prada.

ブロードウェイとスクリーンの両方に出演しているトヴェイトは、多くの経験を積んでいます。 両媒体を比較して、トヴェイトは「どちらも膨大な量の仕事と準備が必要です。舞台では、毎晩のように舞台に立ち、その晩に語るストーリーは一度きりです。週8回の公演を12カ月間続けるには、肉体的、精神的なスタミナが必要です。撮影現場では、また違ったチャレンジがあります。撮影現場では、1時間くらい立ちっぱなしで撮影した後、すぐにそのシーンに入り込む必要がある。そのため、舞台のような勢いはありません。だから、集中力を持続させるために、精神的にも非常に厳しいんだ。」

“I have played some great roles that are fun for many different reasons and I’ve always thought the job I had at the time was the best. That being said, my best role is getting to play Mike Warren in Graceland, an undercover FBI agent who is not only undercover in the field, but somewhat doing the same thing with his colleagues. It’s very layered and complicated and quite a thrill!” 
