
1. Hu Kitchen(閉鎖) 

78 5th Ave, New York, NY 10011  地図 サイト

New York fave : “One spot that I end up at almost every day – this is so lame – is Hu Kitchen. I have some food allergy situations. It’s paleo, Organic, gluten free, and really good.” 

p52,53, Gotham 2016 – Issue 5 late Fall Sep. 30 2016

ニューヨークのお気に入りほとんど毎日、なんてかっこわるいけど、行き着くのはHu Kitchenだ。僕はすこし食物アレルギーがあってね。ここは昔ながらのオーガニックでグルテンフリーの料理で、本当においしいんだ。(『ゴッサム』p52,53 2016.9.30)

2. Jane

100 W Houston St, New York, NY 10012 地図 サイト

This is definitely a special occasion type of place, and it’s really cozy at night. I like the vibe, and they support local farmers so it’s all clean, local grub. They have this dessert here—it’s essentially cookies and milk—and you have to order it in advance because they bake the cookies fresh and they come out half-cooked. Then they bring you a giant glass of milk with a scoop of fresh gelato. It makes you feel like you’re 10 years old again.

“Aaron Tveit of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ Takes Us Around Soho” blackbook magazine




3. Spring Street Natural(閉業)

98 Kenmare St, New York, NY 10012 地図

I don’t eat strictly organic stuff, but I am working out five days a week and trying to get my body in shape to run this marathon of a show, so I try to eat really healthy. They have a great yellowfin tuna salad and an amazing organic stir-fry. I like to convince myself it’s healthier here. I’m a big fan of this neighborhood and they’ve got a great bar, so sometimes I’ll also come down here and grab a beer.

“Aaron Tveit of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ Takes Us Around Soho” blackbook magazine



この店はインタビュー後に数ブロック離れた場所に移転したようだ。それに合わせて店名からもStreetが抜けてSpring Naturalになっている。

4.La Colombe

270 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012 地図 サイト

I’ve been coming here ever since I moved to the city, which was about four-and-a-half years ago. I just stumbled in here one day after an audition. It’s probably my favorite spot to get coffee. […] The space is designed really well, open but still intimate. I don’t do lattes or any of that kind of stuff, so I usually just grab an iced coffee in the summer or an espresso when it’s cold.

“Aaron Tveit of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ Takes Us Around Soho” blackbook magazine


5.Cosi (閉業)

サイト 地図



Q&A: Caught in the Act with… Aaron Tveit, the craptacular, DECEMBER 21, 2012
