Fans of Aaron Tveit know that the Broadway star is a diehard New York Yankees fan, and the team must know it, too, because they invited Tveit to sing “God Bless America” at game two of the American League playoffs. Though the final score was a disappointment to home team fans (Detroit beat the Yanks 5-3), Tveit wowed the crowd with his a cappella rendition of the inspirational song, which has been sung before the seventh inning stretch at every home game since 9/11.
Oct 3 2011
2011年10月3日、 アメリカンリーグ第二戦、ニューヨーク・ヤンキース対デトロイト・タイガースの試合前に“God Bless America”を歌いました。
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このヤンキースタジアムでのGod Bless America斉唱は、長年の夢が叶った最も誇らしい出来事のひとつだと下の記事で語っています。(2013.10.01)