Aaron Tveit
Age: 24
Hometown: Middletown, New York
Currently: Playing Gabe, the adored son of a manic-depressive mother Alice Ripley and overwhelmed father Brian d’Arcy James in Second Stage’s production of the new musical Next to Normal.
現在:Second Stageの新作ミュージカル『Next to Normal』で、困惑する父ブライアン・ダーシー・ジェームズと躁鬱病の母アリス・リプリーが愛する息子ゲイブを演じています。
Tveit Is Enough: To pronounce the name of this strong-voiced young leading man, “Think of the number eight,” he says. “It’s ‘Ta-VATE.’ For a split second, when I joined Equity I thought about using my middle name [Kyle] as my last name, but then I said, ‘You know what? I like my name. It’s different than everybody else’s, and keeping it is another way that I can stand out.'”
Tveitで十分:この力強い声の若い主役の名前の発音は、「数字の8を思い浮かべてください。”Ta-VATE “です。俳優組合に加入するとき、一瞬、ミドルネーム(カイル)を名字にしようかと思いました。でも自分に言ったんです。『いいかい?僕は自分の名前が好きなんだ。他の誰とも違うし、目立つことにもなる』ってね」。
Jocks Who Rock: Gifted in both music and athletics since childhood, Tveit marvels that he never felt pressure to choose between theater and sports while in high school. “The same kids who were on my soccer team and my basketball team were in show choir and did the school musical with me,” he recalls. “We did West Side Story my junior year, and literally the whole football team were the Sharks and the Jets. I played three varsity sports [golf was the third] and did the play and musical every year, and everyone made the schedule work.”
The Musical Man: With his parents’ blessing, Tveit turned down business school scholarships to major in vocal performance at Ithaca College. By the end of freshman year, he realized that he missed acting and switched to the theater department. Good timing: That fall, the musical director of Rent‘s national tour, an Ithaca alum, returned to campus to conduct a mock audition in Tveit’s musical theater class. “Everyone had to bring in a headshot and resume and dress as if we were auditioning for Rent,” he explains. “After I sang, he pulled me aside and said, ‘I think you’re perfect for this. I’m going to keep your headshot and if anything opens up, I’ll call.’” Three months later, Tveit was summoned to New York to meet Rent and Next to Normal director Michael Greif and quickly hit the road for a year, eventually playing Roger.
Link to Success: After returning to college for a semester, Tveit was tapped to play Link Larkin on Hairspray‘s first national tour. “When you’re young and can just pick up and go, it’s a great way to see the country,” he says of life on the road. “With the two different shows, I went to 45 out of 50 states. Being on my own helped me mature as a person, and it’s invaluable to get to do so many performances of one show.” Oh, and he also found love, with actress Jacqui Polk, now in Broadway’s Hairspray after a stint in Spelling Bee: “We started dating a couple of months after she joined the tour and we’ve been together for more than two years.” Tveit made his Broadway debut as Link in 2006 on the same night starlet Haylie Duff joined Hairspray as Amber—but his cheering section was a lot bigger, consisting of 75 friends and family members who’d descended on the Big Apple by bus. “That was an unbelievable night,” he says now. “The electricity in the audience was amazing. Haylie got a big kick out it, too.”
成功へのリンク:大学に戻って1学期を過ごした後、トヴェイトは『ヘアスプレー』の最初の全国ツアーでリンク・ラーキン役に抜擢されました。「若いうちにツアーに出られるのは、全米を見る素晴らしい方法です」と、ツアー中の生活について語ります。「2種類のショーで、50州のうち45州を回りました。1人で行動することで、人間的にも成長できたし、1つのショーでこれだけ多くの公演をこなす経験は貴重です」そして、彼は恋もしました。女優のジャッキー・ポークです。彼女は『スペリング・ビー』の後、現在はブロードウェイの『ヘアスプレー』に出演しています。「彼女がツアーに参加した数カ月後に付き合い始めて、2年以上一緒にいます」。トヴェイトは2006年、リンクとしてブロードウェイデビューしました。新進のスター女優Haylie Duffがアンバー役で『ヘアスプレー』に参加したのと同じ夜でしたが、彼の応援団はずっと大きな存在でした。彼の友人と家族からなる75人がバスでビッグアップルに降り立ったのです。「信じられないような夜でした」と彼は言います。「会場の熱気はすごかった。ヘイリーも大喜びでしたよ」。
Normal Life: Because Next to Normal includes a crucial Act One plot twist, Tveit has to tread carefully in describing his role. “Without giving anything away, it’s such a slice of life, this show,” he says. “I’ve had so many people come up to me and say how close to home the show hits and how touched they are by it.” Not surprisingly, he speaks glowingly of playing the son of Alice Ripley and Brian d’Arcy James. “When I was getting familiar with musicals in college, I had been struck by their voices, and they’re equally amazing people—so generous and gracious with everyone in the company.” As for Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey’s score, Tveit says, “It’s one of the best I’ve heard in a long time. There are so many different colors and sounds, and it’s so much fun to sing. We were in love with the music when [rehearsing with] just a piano. The day the band showed up, we looked at each other and said, ‘This rocks!’”
普通の人生:『Next to Normal』には第1幕の重要な展開があるため、トヴェイトは自分の役を説明するのに慎重にならざるを得ません。「ネタバレしない程度に言うと、このショーは人生の一場面を描いているんです「たくさんの人がぼくのところに来て、この作品がいかに身近なもので、感動したかを話してくれました」。アリス・リプリーとブライアン・ダーシー・ジェームズの息子を演じることについて、彼が熱っぽく語るのも無理はありません。「大学でミュージカルを学んでいたとき、彼らの歌声に衝撃を受けたんです。そして、彼らは素晴らしい人たちで、劇団の誰に対しても寛大で気品があります」。トム・キットとブライアン・ヨーキーのスコアについては、トヴェイトは「ぼくが長い間聞いてきた中で最高のものの一つです。さまざまな色や音があり、歌うのがとても楽しい。ピアノ1台でリハーサルをしているときは、この曲に惚れ込んでいました。バンドが現れた日、ぼくたちはお互いに顔を見合わせ、『これはすごい!』と言ったんです」
Star on the Rise: As a talented and handsome singing actor under 25 who’s in no hurry to decamp for Hollywood, Tveit is in demand. He starred as D’Artagnan last summer in a new musical version of The Three Musketeers at the North Shore Music Theatre and has just been tapped for the Leonardo DiCaprio role of a young con artist in the latest staged reading of Catch Me If You Can. “I’m still pinching myself about working with Nathan Lane,” he says of the Tony-winning star, who’ll play the FBI agent created on film by Tom Hanks in the forthcoming musical by Marc Shaiman, Scott Wittman and Terrence McNally. “I’ve been blessed at my young age to work with people who are at the top of our profession, and I’m trying not to take for granted all the things that have come to me.”
人気上昇中のスター:才能豊かでハンサムな25歳以下の歌手で、ハリウッドへの転身を急がないトヴェイトは、今まさに求められている存在です。昨夏、ノースショア・ミュージック・シアターで上演されたミュージカル版『三銃士』のダルタニアン役で主演を務め、『Catch Me If You Can』の最新ステージではレオナルド・ディカプリオ演じる若き詐欺師の役で出演が決まったばかりです。