20 Minutes With: Tony-Award Winning Actor Aaron Tveit

By Carleton English Jan. 23, 2023 11:37 am ET


You can’t keep Tony-Award winning actor Aaron Tveit away from the stage for long. Just eight months after stepping back from his role as Christian in Broadway sensation Moulin Rouge! The Musical, Tveit is reprising the role he created in a limited run starting Jan. 17 and through April 9.


Tveit, 39, says the role holds a special place in his heart since he’s been involved with it since its infancy—from workshops in New York, to a run in Boston, and a Broadway premiere in 2019.

39歳のトヴェイトは、この役には特別な思い入れがあると言います。 ニューヨークでのワークショップからボストンでの公演、そして2019年のブロードウェイ初演まで、この作品に初期から関わってきたからです。

While Tveit is familiar to the stage, having originated the role of Gabe in Next to Normal and Frank Abagnale Jr. in Catch Me If You Can, Moulin Rouge is the role that earned Tveit his first Tony award. 

トヴェイトは『Next to Normal』のゲイブ役や『Catch Me If You Can』のフランク・アバグネール・ジュニア役などの舞台でよく知られていますが、『ムーラン・ルージュ』はトヴェイトが初めてトニー賞を獲得した役です。 

In just under three hours Tveit’s vocal and theatrical prowess are on full display as he and his castmates cover 160 years of music ranging from Offenbach to Rihanna in the jukebox musical. Tveit’s own rendition El Tango de Roxanne—a mash-up of The Police single and Tanguera by Mariano Mores—has earned more than a million views across social media platforms. 

3時間弱で、オッフェンバックからリアーナまで160年の音楽をカバーするジュークボックス・ミュージカルで、トヴェイトの歌唱力と演劇の腕前が存分に披露されます。トヴェイト自身が歌うEl Tango de Roxanneは、The PoliceのシングルとMariano MoresのTangueraのマッシュアップで、ソーシャルメディア上で100万回以上のビューを獲得しています。 

During his hiatus from Moulin Rouge, he filmed the second season of the Apple TV+ series Schmigadoon! The show, which features other Broadway royalty like Kristen Chenoworth and Alan Cumming, is both a parody and love letter to musical theater. The first season captured the 1940s and 1950s era of musicals and the second, to be released later this year, will pay homage to the 1960s and 1970s. Tveit was very careful not to reveal spoilers but teased it’s safe to assume there will be music inspired by shows like Chicago, Cabaret, and Jesus Christ Superstar.

ムーラン・ルージュから離れている間に、彼はApple TV+のシリーズ『シュミガドーン!』の第2シーズンを撮影しました。 クリステン・チェノワースやアラン・カミングなど、ブロードウェイの名優たちが登場するこの番組は、ミュージカル劇場へのパロディでありラブレターでもあります。第1シーズンは1940年代と1950年代のミュージカルの時代をとらえ、今年後半に公開される第2シーズンは1960年代と1970年代にオマージュを捧げる予定です。トヴェイトはネタバレをしないように細心の注意を払って、「シカゴ」「キャバレー」「ジーザス・クライスト・スーパースター」といったショーからインスピレーションを得た音楽が登場するだろうと教えてくれました。

Penta spoke with Tveit via Zoom on Jan. 13, hours before his final dress rehearsal for Moulin Rouge.


Tveit also originated the role of Gabe in “Next to Normal” and Frank Abagnale Jr. in “Catch Me If You Can.”
Courtesy Aaron Tveit

PENTA: What is going through your mind as you prepare to return to Moulin Rouge?

Aaron Tveit: I love this show and I love this part. It’s very rare that something that you work on from the ground floor level achieves this kind of commercial success on Broadway. When I left last year, I always hoped that at some point I would get to return. And who knows that this will be the last time I do it? I look at people like Billy Porter, who created the role of Kinky Boots, and he was able to go in and out at different times. And that’s an example of something that I’ve always wanted to do with a part that I care about so much. 

PENTA: ムーラン・ルージュに戻る準備をしているとき、どんなことが頭をよぎりますか?

Does it feel different to return to a show? 

When you’re a part of an original cast, there is a bit of a protection of what you’ve done. And there’s a point where you really have to release it and realize that other actors are going to step into the part that you played. 

For me, it’s been really fun to go back. As I’ve stepped back into rehearsal the last couple of weeks, the people around me are different so there’s a completely new energy, which of course informs what I’m doing. My co-star Ashley Loren had been the standby for Satine since the beginning, but has now stepped into the role [full-time] and really made it her own. Working off of that is really exciting because even though I’ve done the show 500-plus times, it feels very new.


Broadway is known for a grueling eight-show a week schedule with Monday’s off. How do you manage it?

It becomes a real athletic conditioning event to be in a show eight times a week—especially a show like this that’s so physically and emotionally demanding for all of us. The gig kind of becomes keeping yourself healthy. I get a massage and chiropractic once a week. I see a physical therapist twice a week and try to get tons of sleep, hydrate, and eat well. All those things may sound a little bit boring but it is really the only way to keep yourself physically in condition. It’s really hard to do the show when you don’t feel like you have the physical capability. Besides all that, the acting 101 thing is that even though you’ve done it a number of times, some of the audience have never seen it before, so it has to be fresh.


What does that Monday off look like?

The hardest thing is the one day off. Most jobs—of course, there’s exceptions—but generally people have two days off. And when you have two days off, you’ve got one day to rest and one day to get everything done. So when you only have one day, you have to sacrifice rest or getting done what you need to get done. I try to protect my Monday off as much as possible. Obviously it doesn’t always happen but I try as much as possible to reserve that one day to kind of do nothing.


In addition to the stage, you’ve also done television and movies—including playing Enjolras in the Les Miserables movie. How does your process differ across mediums?

It took me a little bit to figure out how to approach everything differently. My process for working on a script or a character is where it starts and then it’s really about how each medium functions in terms of expression. When you’re on stage, everything needs to be a certain size to hit the back of the house. And then when you’re on camera, the camera picks up so much in close up. The hard part—especially when you’re starting out—is knowing how to adjust those mechanics accordingly.


What are some of your dream roles?
In terms of musical theater, I’ve always wanted to play George in Sunday in the Park with George and Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd. I was in the Les Mis movie as Enjolras but I’d like to be Jean Valjean when I’m a bit older. 



“Moulin Rouge” premiered on Broadway in 2019.
Matthew Murphy

Are there types of roles you’re more attracted to?
I haven’t played many princes—that’s the thing I like to say. I have not really been a love interest. I’ve done a little bit more off-center things and I find myself more drawn to conflicted characters and flawed people. It’s different on stage, you’re telling the same story every night so your character wants to change within that story. But with a television series, you’re potentially living with this character for five to seven years so there’s a potential for change over a long period of time.



I read that you were president of your investing club in high school and even considered a career in finance. Tell me about that.

I do wonder about if I had gone that route. I would have graduated college in 2005 and I had friends that did. Some of them worked really hard for a couple years and lost their jobs in 2008. So maybe I made the safer choice, right? I always wondered if I had gone into finance, would I have auditioned for American Idol or something because I thought I had this need to sing? Who knows? I think all roads eventually lead to the same place but it is funny how those moments really can go either way.


When you’re in a show, it’s probably tough to go to other shows, but are there any you’ve been excited about?

I’ve gotten to see some things in the last few months while I’ve been off which is wonderful because when you’re in a show, you want to support others but it’s difficult. I really enjoyed Kimberly Akimbo. It’s a very bold, brand new story that I think is heartfelt, difficult and wonderful. I saw Some Like It Hot, which was maybe the most fun I’ve had in a theater in a long time. I got to see K-Pop before it closed, which was way too soon. I thought it was wonderful and unique and wished it could have had a longer run. 

この数ヶ月、休んでいる間にいくつかの作品を見ることができたのは素晴らしかったです。ショーに出演していると、他の人を応援したくても難しいですから。『Kimberly Akimbo』は本当に楽しかったです。とても大胆で、まったく新しい物語で、心がこもっていて、難しく、すばらしいと思います。
『Some Like It Hot』は、久しぶりに劇場にいることを一番楽しんだと思います。

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.